Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy at Path Service

Path Service (“Path Service” or “our”) provides this Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use, disclosure and protection of information applicable to our Service, as well as your preferences regarding the collection and use of information.

Path Service may change its policy at any time and it is your responsibility to be aware of any changes to the policy All changes will be notified on specific policy pages.

Path Service is an image manipulation service provider based in South East Asia that offers online pre-press and graphics design work.

Privacy Policy on Path Service?

Steps to the Privacy Policy at Path Service

Data collection

Any information submitted through the Website, email or online communication with the Path Service or its authorized personnel will be recorded and kept in the Company’s database.

Any information submitted through our contact form or email will be considered genuine and may be used to verify the authenticity of the visitor or client.

What Information We Collect:

We may collect the following information:

(a) Your name
(b) Your address
(c) Demographic Information
(d) Web Address
(e) Contact Information

What we do with your information:

We may use this information to contact you about a job offer, promotional offer, or to verify client authenticity to create a professional environment.

Clients’ photos

We may use this information to contact you about a job offer, promotional offer, or to verify client authenticity to create a professional environment.

A. Work picture

Images submitted by clients for work will not be used in any form or shared with any website or users. Images feature our clients.

B. Free trial images

However, free trial images can be used as samples or portfolios of our company or as promotional activities for path Service. If the client does not wish to use the free sample then please inform us before sending the free trial image(s).

Data integrity

Your submitted information regarding work and contact details will not be shared with anyone outside Path Service.

Privacy Policy Controls

Path Service wants to confirm your privacy policy

Information submitted to our company path service, website, email or any other electronic and other means will not be shared with any other entity/company without your permission.

You can request information submitted to us that we hold under the Data Protection Act 1998.

It is the customer’s responsibility to provide accurate information about himself or herself. Any incorrect information submitted can be corrected by sending an email to and we will correct your information

Clipping Path Service Company

Our Service

Clipping Path

Background Removal

Photo Retouch

Photo Shadow

Multiple Clipping

Image Masking

Image To Vector

Quick Link




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Privacy Policy

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